季羨林基金會與老撾戰略簽署(雙語版) 二维码
来源:季羨林基金會网址:http://www.jxlfa.cn 季羨林基金會與老撾川壙經濟特區戰略協議在香港簽署(雙語版)
南國風采,香江有情。2019年12月28日,老撾南泥灣川壙經濟特區國際發展公司董事局陳宇君主席,與季羨林基金會曾昭詢主席,就共同合作開發建設“老撾川壙經濟特區”全面戰略合作框架協定,在香港季羨林基金會港島會所簽署。 Ina friendly and cooperative atmosphere, The Ji Xianlin Foundation and the LaosKhouang Special Economic Zone have signed a strategic cooperation agreement. OnDecember 28, 2019, Mr Chen Yujun, chairman of the board of directors of KhouangEconomic Zone International Development Co., Ltd. in Nanniwan, Laos , 參加簽字儀式的嘉賓有:原全國政協委員曾文仲先生,全國僑聯常委王錦彪先生,中共中央宣傳部“周恩來總理精神形象大使”張江山先生。上海古宣輝公益基金會執行主席季偉芳女士發來賀電,和兩岸三地有關嘉賓。 have signed acomprehensive strategic cooperation framework agreement with Mr Zeng Zhaoxun,chairman of of Ji Xianlin Foundation on the joint development and constructionof “Khouang Economic Zone ” in Laos。 國際都會,東方之珠。香港肩負中國“一國兩制”、承上啟下的重大歷史責任。世界第三大金融中心,對投資和資本聚集有重大作用。雙方在香港簽署戰略合作協定,對老撾川壙經濟特區的建設與發展,具有重要現實意義和特殊歷史價值。 Distinguishedguests attending the signing ceremony included Mr. Zeng Wenzhong, former memberof the CPPCC National Committee, Mr. Wang Jin Biao, member of the StandingCommittee of the all China Federation of overseas Chinese, and Zhang Jiangshan,the impersonator of Premier Zhou Enlai under the Promotion Department of theCPC Central Committee. Ms. Ji Weifang, executive chairman of Shanghai guxuanhuipublic welfare foundation, has sent a congratulatory message to all guests whohave come from Mainland China, Taiwan island and Hong Kong, 根據雙方協定約定,季羨林基金會計畫募集前期啟動資金約100億元人民幣,優先開展重點項目建設。 As the world’srenowned International metropolis and the Pearl of the East, Hong Kongshoulders the great historical responsibility of "one country, twosystems". Being the third largest financial center in the world, Hong Kongplays an important role in investment and capital accumulation. The signing ofthe strategic cooperation agreement between both parties in Hong Kong is ofgreat practical significance and special historical value to the constructionand development of the Khouang Special Economic Zone in Laos. 習主席倡導的一帶一路光輝定策,必須從這裡做起。參加簽字儀式的雙方陣容團隊有:亞洲區塊鏈學會執行秘書長張育榮,老撾南泥灣川壙經濟特區國際發展公司董事副總裁劉澤林,季羨林青創委員會主席陳騰,季羨林基金會副會長高景波,季羨林基金會副秘書長林宏樺,韓慶蓉,潘智豪,何黎玉,謝佩玲,郭秀慧,李康娜,張平華,林明影,肖志允,阮丹鳳。 According to theagreement, the initial funds raised by Ji Xianlin Foundation fund are estimatedto be around 10 billion RMB, and the spending priority is given to theconstruction of key projects. The project ishighly related with the belt and road initiative initiated by President XiJinping . Members from both sides participating in the signing ceremonyinclude: Mr. Zhang Yurong, Executive Secretary General of Asia Blockchainsociety; Mr. Liu Zelin, vice president of the Khouang Economic ZoneInternational Development Company, Nanniwan; Mr. Chen Teng, chairman of JiXianlin Green Production Committee; Mr. Gao Jingbo, vice president of JiXianlin Foundation; and the Deputy Secretary Generals of Ji Xianlin Foundationincluding Lin Honghua, Han Qingrong, PanZhihao, He Liyu, Xie Peiling, Guo Xiuhui, Li Kangna, Zhang Pinghua, LinMingying, Xiao Zhiyun and Ruan Danfeng.
中文编写:季羨林基金會曾主席 精准翻译:季羨林基金會荣誉主席王锦彪 2019年12月29日 點擊圖片可以放大流覽 在香港季羨林基金會港島會所簽署 參加簽字儀式的雙方陣容團隊和两岸知名人士韓慶蓉女士, 參加簽字儀式的嘉賓 原全國政協委員曾文仲先生,全國僑聯常委王錦彪先生, 川壙經濟特區國際發展公司董事局陳宇君主席,全國僑聯常委王錦彪先生 原全國政協委員曾文仲先生讲话
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